Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in Robotic systems of aircraft weapons (engineer) in 2004. Worked at factory by profession as an engineer for 2 years (2004-2005) earning experience in technical solutions.
In 2005 changed occupation and started completely new way – lighting. The first one became the lighting planners company Yuga Center where started working as an assistant in lighting department. In 2006 started with colleagues, who left Yuga, new lighting design company VIART. There was a work as manager of projects in lighting department, then as a brand manager, then marketing manager till 2016. In 2016 started to work as a head of marketing department in the biggest retail lighting salon in Moscow – Salon Svetilniki on Malaya Ordynka. Since 2020 started to work as marketing manager in professional lighting design and automation company QPRO till now days.
Since 2012 started to work as an in-house interior photographer, creating a portfolio of interior and exterior photography in addition to object photography for company needs.
In 2019 started to find new way of expressing myself, turned to the side of art in common. Visited courses of the greatest artist in Moscow in direction bas-relief (George Tandashvili and Leonid Kim) and started to create volume pictures in bas-relief style and practice painting with pencils, digital drawings and so on.
Most working time were deal with greatness of lighting and it is opportunities, lighting design and technical tasks. These circumstances influenced greatly on way of representing art works and gave main impact on me. The idea of artworks is sharing through art the beauty, riddles and magazines of world, make people happier, bring them new emotions and feelings, make them prise the beauty of Environment, nature, light and persons.
Additional info:
Finished musical school as a violinist + piano. In 2013 visited Italy with the World Children's Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Igor Nikolaev. Now try to play electric guitar learning by myself.
Cares about the way of Dark Light association, interested in quantum physics and astronomy as a source of inspiration.