Filipe Vilas-Boas (1981, Portugal) is a new media artist currently living and working in Paris. Without being a naive tech utopist or a reluctant technophobe, he explores our use of technology and its political, social and environmental implications. His installations...
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Filipe Vilas-Boas (1981, Portugal) is a new media artist currently living and working in Paris. Without being a naive tech utopist or a reluctant technophobe, he explores our use of technology and its political, social and environmental implications. His installations and conceptual artworks question the global digitalization of our societies, mostly by merging our physical (IRL) and digital (URL) entities. From streets interventions to robotic hacks, Vilas-Boas’ artistic research takes multiple forms but everything tends to point out our need to collectively decide and design our world.
He started to exhibit his work in 2008 at the FIT Freie Internationale Tankstelle in Berlin. In 2014 he was part of Nuit Blanche Paris with a great interactive projection on the vaults of Saint-Eustache Church. In 2015 he presented his first solo show “iDoll” at the Flaq Gallery in Paris and tours the same year with the itinerant Musée Passager. Recently, he showed his work at the EDF Foundation in Paris, at the Quai des Savoirs Museum in Toulouse and in several festivals in Europe namely Futur.e.s, Ibiza Light Festival, Łódź Design Festival and Athens Digital Arts Festival.
Awarded top 5 Portuguese Emerging Artist 2018.