I was born in 1995 in Cracow. In 2017 I graduated Computer Science at Jagiellonian University. Now, I am a Graphic Art Student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. My works are mainly inspired by nature and the human psyche. I wonder how people affect each other. What consequences this has, how to deal with bad effects. My second theme is nature. I look for the relationship between it and human beings. I believe that it has a healing effect on us. Emotions are most important to me in photography.
"Zwierzęcenie" ("Animality") - ASP Gallery, Cracow, Poland, 2021
"Dekompresja" ("Decompression") - Cracow, Poland, 2021 - as participant and co-organizer
Open eyes art festival - Cracow, Poland, 2021
"Houston, mamy problem" ("Houston, we have a problem") - Cracow, Poland 2022 - as participant and co-organizer
"Bodyscapes" - PH21 Photography Gallery, Budapest,
Hungary, 2022
“Shape” - PH21 Photography Gallery, Barcelona, Spain 2022
Arte Laguna Prize 16th edition, Venice, Italy, 2023