Graduate on Master 2 from Paris 1 Sorbonne University for ‘Space, Places, Exhibitions, Networks’ and the sculpture department of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, my research centers ranging from physical interaction to virtual interaction through the interactive devices to mixed reality. I want to continue my artistic career and after knowing your programs, I am deeply attracted by a candidature for the Laguna prize program.
Holder of an art degree from the China Academy of Art, I have, among other things, acquired knowledge in contemporary art and traditional Chinese art techniques. I then chose to study in France to deepen my knowledge of European contemporary art and obtained the Master in plastic art at Université Paris1. In 2015, I started to work on installation, physical and digital interactions, sculpture and performance. Four years ago I worked on objects and installations for body-level interactions, on a project named Les Siamois that has been exhibited in multiple galleries and Art Center in China and France. The spectators had to be able to enter, to live and to feel, thus the space with their body, their different senses and their spirits. At the same time, it was necessary to reflect on the question of difference from the same 'community': Our commonalities are more important than our differences. I am particularly interested by the notion of the passage, the situation of humanity, communication and exchange between individuals of all origins.
Fascinated by the interactions resulting from the space conquest and the science-fiction imaginary, I am interested in space-time resembling anticipations, in order to divert visual dynamics. I thus present the function to retain the plastic vocabulary, and the ideology that is lurking there.
The latest project Univ Jump! aims to create a virtual hybrid space and at the same time realistic to "connect" the two space-time: the metal texture offers to the spectators a scene of mental projection, as in the space or in the emptiness, while the spectator can identify themselves via mobile navigation and AR effects. The content of the realization is based on a nonlinear narrative of a today's archeology projections of different time and space. Second production, The Siamese: place of the eternal bodies, is a performance captured by Kinect to send the bodies in
the digital space and immerse the audience in a post-human fiction. 3D animations are broadcast in real time in the broadcast area.
A production called Ascension represents a device at once, interactive, immersive and playful. It is composed of double-sided screens, allowing to diffuse a fiction, they make possible several results of interaction, thanks to the two senses of visit accessible by the spectators; either in "amount" or "down". As I explain on the diagram: a range recalls the transition space in the human body at the mental level, from homo sapiens to trans-human status. It is a kind of religious society in a fiction built in the "future" that allows the spectators to choose their own way to make their life eternal.
With its characteristics: an interactive and at the same time immersive and playful narrative device, which plays with the approach of rise and fall, between fiction and reality. To be a loop narrative, including an experiment under the loop context and a way to change the identity of the same interactive space and the same viewer. To create a parallel narrative interactive space in the same physical space as a doubled fictional space, the interactive narrative space effect in two directions.
In my Master thesis, I presented a discussion related to the concept of loop which is coherent with my achievements in the form of the interactive device, immersive, playful. A loop story that works both ways. There are therefore four parts that expose the conditions of loops in art: loop as a means of narration / a form of device / concept of ideology in an Eastern context. We see the different conditions and uses of this concept as it develops. And finally I illustrated the capacity of contemporary oriental art under a circulation ideology.
To know how to create new models of interactions with the public in the different contexts. By relating the relationship between reflective art and collaborative art, I would do research on how they influence each other to create new patterns of interaction.
Based on the concept of art as a cycle, I expect to create a platform for the reflection and transformation of energy to the ecology of art, which is based on the participants. I will invite audiences from different fields to participate, rotate their identities to plan projects and chair their research and discussions in different areas. The whisper and the discussion will be broadcast live online, in virtual reality, as well as daily activities, artistic creation, chance formation, opening ceremony, workshops, etc. All to explore possibilities in interactive art.
Laguna prize has been known for years and has always been the center of research innovation. your
artistic research on mediums, new visions, sociological subjects, the ways of manifesting, inspired me a lot and seem to me to be quite close in terms of ideology and methodology. My Chinese origins associated with my love for Eurpoe culture, my knowledge of contemporary art and my professional experience are assets to carry out a candidacy in your research program.
YUAN Shengwen