I was born on June 21, 1965 in Santiago de Chile. I studied at the Santa Ursula School in Vitacura and then professionally I studied Graphic Design at the Pacific Professional Institute. I worked for a long time as a freelance designer and I also made graphic material for teachers at Colegio San Ignacio. I am married and have two children. For a while I suspended my work because both children were with asthma and I dedicated myself to them. All my life I have dedicated myself to art and especially to develop oil and graphite painting. Throughout my life I have taken many courses of painting, botanical nature, specifically oil technique, graphite, watercolor. My dedication has been in general low profile , ie I have not exhibited except occasionally , until in 2018 I competed for the World Exhibition in botanical illustration and got a second place in my category in graphite ( I illustrated a native flower of my country ( Caiophora Coronata ) I'm currently dedicated to painting and writing feature film script.