TOMMASO PATRUNO was born in 1935 in BARI where he currently works.
His atelier is in Via Giacomo Puccini, 5B BARI (San Girolamo) Phone: 080.2031199 –
Cell:320.5679897 .
“Spontaneity in taking and not re-taking means dynamic creation of dynamic observation.
In such a way, his “vision”, the result of movement observation, is grabbed on the painting
as a stuck reality moment”. “not many brush stroke to realize a painting. You can observe a bunch of colors,
Used with precision and style. His aim is to realize an “immediate vision”, an “urgent idea”
….. and a stain is rapidly transformed in a landscape or in a human enjoyable depiction.”
Franco Santamato
“ because Patruno is a painter of atmospheres. He is able to make things alive even without the aid of figures. He is essentially a figurative painter but he is attracted by the predominant fascination of colors.
Matter, generating with rapid and blurred stains, at first glance, an autonomous result of impressionist flavor”
Gustavo Delgado
“…….three-dimensional paintings for an introspective journey”
Alessandra Arcella
(Art Historian)
“…… To fix an impression of what is happening during the rapid events flow in the shortest space of time, is my first aim.”
Tommaso Patruno
Taken from his large number of personal art exhibition, we point out:
Mipar, BARI – Yachting Club, BARI – Circolo Unione, TRANI – Mediterranean, BRINDISI – Carus Gallery, MILAN – Il Crocicchio, BOLOGNA – “Anna Pane” Foundation, ROME – Palazzo Doria, GENOVA – Prensa, MADRID – Echo, WIEN – Kunsthalle, Salisburg – Lekenhal, Colonia – Palais D’Europe, BRUXELLES – I.R.L.A.C. Gallery PARIS – Expo Bianca, BARI.
Mentioned in:
Die abstrakte Kunst, Bolaffi Arte nr 64 and 66, ‘800 and ‘900 Italian artists, Il Resto del Carlino, la Voce di Ferrara, Il Tempo, Radio Bari, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.
He participated to many prestigious collective art exhibition collecting gratifying awards and recognition.
Of particular mention:
Figurative Art Bronze Trophy Awarding, Palazzo Barberini ROME; IV National Contemporary Holy Art Exhibition, IV National Mini – Painting Review (Gallery Alba, FERRARA) BOLOGNA Mayor Cup; Quinquennial Victory Trophy ( Publishing House Alba FERRARA) Mayor Cup; IX International Paintings Awards ( Eternal City, ROME) Silver Medal; 1° Prize Vendemmia Rebaundengo Arte (ASTI) Gold Medal; X International Painting Award “Anna Pane” Medal Aurea.
Campidoglio, ROME; XV International Biennial Art Review, NAPLES; City of Naples Golden Oscar with patronage of Regional Assembly of Campania and the Presidency of European Parliament, 5° place Bronze Medal, “Filippo De Pisis Award” (December 9th 1978), ROME;
International Biennial Art Exhibition, BARI 2018; International Biennial Art Exhibition, GENOVA 2019; V Visual Arts Exhibition, Castello Ducale Orsini Fiano Romano; Visual Arts, Angelica Library ROME; International Contemporary Art Exhibition 2020, Palazzo Stella Genova.