Debuting in 2018, Sunju is renowned for pioneering the genre of "Gayageum Performance," which combined Korean tradtional instrument Gayageum, performance art and music. To date, she has 8 years of experience as a professional artist with over 150 concerts, 2...
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Debuting in 2018, Sunju is renowned for pioneering the genre of "Gayageum Performance," which combined Korean tradtional instrument Gayageum, performance art and music. To date, she has 8 years of experience as a professional artist with over 150 concerts, 2 albums and 2 long-term projects.
Her debut work, 'Embody Nature Inbody', garnered recognition and awards in both domestic and international composition competitions, including the prestigious "Best Music Award" at the PADAF Multidisciplinary Arts Festival. This piece, which experimented with collaborations between dance, beatboxing, and gayageum, drew attention for being the first to incorporate sheet music for performance art and beatboxing as duet with the gayageum.
Sunju continues to focus on activities that showcase the versatility and evolution of the gayageum through collaborations with various genres. Among her notable works are 'Angle'(2018) and 'Practice'(2022), both of which feature performances of the gayageum intertwined with performance art. In 2023, she received the Minister's Award from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for her innovative work in creating the "Gayageum Orteke" genre, which combines puppetry with gayageum performance.
Devoted to Korean traditional music education, Sunju, a former Korean music instructor at the Korean Cultural Centre in Brazil, now imparts knowledge as a Korean folk music and gayageum instructor at Seoul Foreign School. In every endeavor, Sunju emerges not only as a virtuoso in music but also as a dedicated custodian of Korea's musical heritage.