I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in international economics and management at Università Bocconi in Milan. I have always had a passion for the arts and have had my work previously displayed in multiple showings in the United States. This includes Heckscher Museum's annual Long Island's Best (selected in both 2019 and 2020), and the Art League of Long Island's advanced placement exhibition in 2020.
My work is typically sees the use of materials such as my own-made broux de noix, spoiled turpentine, and alcohol, through applications with tools such as hand rakes, dog brushes, salt, sand, and PVDC film, to stress the details of the interaction of color and texture.
Much of my work is the result of inspiration from mid-century artists, urban and natural environments, everyday occurrences, dreams, and subconscious experimentation. I believe that art is a highly individualized activity that is more about expressing personal experiences through a medium rather than catering to general public appeal.