please note: see below, AFTER THE BIOGRAPHY In ITALIAN please find the ENGLISH TRANSLATION. Furthermore at the very bottom of this page you can find the UN references.
Progetto di Arteterapia Relazionale di Chiara Mariani e Paola Scarpellini realizzato con i 'nonni' persone anziane e famigliari nella RSA Orpea San Felice Segrate. Richiamo ONU“The Journey to Age Equality”.
Il nostro progetto di Arteterapia Relazionale nasce con l'intenzione di promuovere la salute e il benessere, di rivitalizzare e connettere le persone attarverso la creatività, la parte più sana energica e vibrante delle persone di ogni età. Noi arteterapeute siamo tramiti e vogliamo costruire ponti tra le persone anziane e i loro famigliari e la comunità sociale più allargata attraverso anche la presentazione del proprio lavoro creativo come ad esempio la partecipazione a questo concorso.
Il tema dell'invecchiamento è di grande rilevanza sociale ma a tutt'oggi, le persone anziane non sono protette da uno specifico strumento universale di tutela dei diritti umani.
Le Opere collettive, su tela, sono realizzate dal Gruppo: ospiti i 'nonni' della Rsa Orpea San Felice Segrate con i loro famigliari e le Arteterapeute Chiara Mariani e Paola Scarpellini durante i laboratori di arteterapia relazionale.
Hanno partecipato alla realizzazione dell'opera su tela 'Creatività, Vitalità e Contatto' e del VIDEO prodotto da Moka Lab': Mary O., Teresina C., Carlo M., Liliana M., Paolo F., Lucia C., Luisa C., Bianca,
Hanno partecipato alla realizzazione dell'opera 'Arteterapia Relazionale Manifesto' ispirato a Alighiero Boetti: Mary O., Teresina C., Carlo M., Liliana M., Paolo F., Lucia C., Germana C. e Marilisa.
L'ONU richiama l'attenzione sul tema delle persone anziane attraverso:
“The Journey to Age Equality” Gli Stati hanno l’obbligo di promuovere e proteggere i diritti umani. Siamo tutti tenuti a garantire che le generazioni future – che siano figli e nipoti – man mano che invecchiano, siano viste come un valido contributo alla società. I giovani, quelli che occupano posizioni di potere oggi, devono rendersi conto che anche loro invecchieranno. Spetta a loro plasmare la realtà degli anziani e il futuro che desiderano.
-"Il Decennio dell’invecchiamento in salute 2021-2030" _ "Decade of Healthy Ageing"
Il Decennio dell'Invecchiamento in Buona Salute (2021-2030) è un'iniziativa promossa dall'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità volta a sensibilizzare gli stati, la società civile, il mondo accademico, i media e il settore privato affinché collaborino per migliorare le vite delle persone anziane e delle loro famiglie
New York, 14 dicembre 2020 – L’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato, senza voto, la risoluzione A/75/L.47 che proclama il 2021-2030 come The United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing, il “Decennio delle Nazioni Unite dell’Invecchiamento in Buona Salute”.
Relational Art Therapy is an important project
created and developed by Art Therapists; Chiara Mariani and Paola Scarpellini and
has been bought to life through the Older Persons who reside at RSA,
Orpea San Felice Segrate and their families. This project aligns
nicely with the UN sustainability goal and mission “The Journey of Age
Relational Art Therapy was born with the core
intention to promote health and wellness. To revitalise and enable
connection through creativity and to bring energy and vibrance to all ages.
Chiara and Paola, as art therapists are intermediaries whose aim is to
strengthen relationships between Older Persons, their relatives and the social
community through showcasing their incredible work within competitions
such as this and by building common projects through their local community.
This initiative was further inspired by the UN sustainability goal and
mission “The Journey of Age Equality” which aims to empower
the elderly whilst ensuring their inclusiveness and reducing
inequalities. The topic of
aging is of great social importance but to date, elderly people are not
protected by a specific universal instrument for the protection of human
The collective works on canvas are created during the
relational art therapy workshops. Participants are the elderly who reside at
RSA Orpea San Felice Segrate along with their families and Art Therapists
Chiara Mariani and Paola Scarpellini.
residents and families who contributed to the creation of the artwork on canvas
“Creativity, Vitality & Connection” along with the video produced by Moka
LAB are: Mary O, Teresina C, Carlo M, Liliana M, Paolo F, Lucia C, Luisa C and
The following residents and their families
participated in the creation of the work on canvas 'Relational Art Therapy
Manifesto' inspired by Alighiero Boetti: Mary O, Teresina C, Carlo M, Liliana
M, Paolo F, Lucia C, Germana C. and Marilisa.
The UN draws attention to the issue of older people
Global Issue Ageing
Population ageing is poised to
become one of the most significant social transformations of the twenty-first
century, with implications for nearly all sectors of society, including labour
and financial markets, the demand for goods and services, such as housing,
transportation and social protection, as well as family structures and
intergenerational ties. Learn more about
The Decade of
Healthy Ageing (2021-2030)
is an opportunity to bring together governments, civil society, international
agencies, professionals, academia, the media, and the private sector for ten
years of concerted, catalytic and collaborative action to improve the lives of
older people, their families, and the communities in which they live. Salute”.
“The Journey to Age Equality” should have started many
years ago. States have an obligation to promote and protect human rights. We
are all responsible for ensuring that future generations – whether children or
grandchildren – are seen as making valuable contributions to society as they
age. Young people, those in positions of power today, must realize that they
too will grow old. It is up to them to shape the reality of the elderly and the
future they desire.
The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) recognize that development will only be achievable if it is inclusive of
all ages. Empowering older persons in all dimensions of development, including
promoting their active participation in the social, economic and political
lives is one way to ensure their inclusiveness and reduce inequalities.
The 2019 theme is aligned
with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 and will
focus on pathways of coping with existing and preventing future old age
inequality. SDG 10 sets to reduce inequality within and among countries
and aims to “ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome,”
including through measures to eliminate discrimination, and to “empower and
promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of
age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other