In 1996, I grew weary of my lucrative painting career. Feeling a need to adapt to the new century, I rid myself of my Spring Street studio and taught myself to use the computer as a new tool to create... Read More
In 1996, I grew weary of my lucrative painting career. Feeling a need to adapt to the new century, I rid myself of my Spring Street studio and taught myself to use the computer as a new tool to create Art. It's enabled me to create new works in a new style and connect with similar artists seeking to break with 500 yrs of tradition. However, it's been a struggle because the traditional painters and curators automatically threw up protests against digital art, which still shares the same stigma inherited by photography.
As for my process, I employ a dialectical approach I call "Psychological Realism" which allows me to illustrate humorous critiques of the Art World, as well as, satirical commentaries on political correctness in today's society. So far, it's brought heaps of censorship upon me and my work from Social Media to major Art Fairs and galleries, even to my usual print shop where the new manager refuses to print works with any sort of nudity or violence...which pretty much rules out the history of Western Art.
Likewise, I've received similar feedback as a performance artist with my multi-award-winning, critically acclaimed stage works in NYC and abroad. But, what was once rewarded is not even accepted these days.
At this current juncture in American politics where democracy is hanging on by a thread and states are already beginning to question the need for art grants, art schools, or "Art" at all...I feel stronger than ever.
Full-time fine artist and critically acclaimed, multi-award winning theater artist.