My name is Oleksandra, but my close circle calls me Sasha. I was born in Kyiv in 1987. I have been an artist since childhood, spending hours drawing and creating beauty from anything, even while playing in the yard with sand. Some said, “You’ll be an artist,” while others warned, “Artists live in poverty.” This made me believe my art was not serious or important. So, I never went to art school, and drawing became just a hobby.
When it was time to choose a university, my heart won over logic, and I chose architecture as an area where I could show creativity. My student years were filled with creativity, inspiration, and collaboration with like-minded peers. However, working as an architect, I missed the freedom of the creative process and the satisfaction of a completed work. Still, those years taught me to create beauty under strict constraints. I decided to leave the profession.
The next year was a difficult search for myself, filled with doubts and trials. Around this time, I got involved in a computer game with magical adventures, inspiring me to participate in fan art contests. I realized I wanted to create similar fantasy worlds. That’s when I got my first graphics tablet and started using Photoshop. Some contest entries made it into my digital art portfolio. Since 2015, digital art has been my profession. For the last five years I have been working as an artist for a company that creates computer and mobile games. Our team creates fantasy locations, interiors, and objects that delight players worldwide. I am especially happy when I read their reviews. I am proud and glad to take part in such an interesting process.
The war in Ukraine in February 2022 became a turning point in my life. Such events change your life and worldview forever. Fear for my life and loved ones, losing stability, and the unknown future made me realize the importance of living in the moment. After the shock, I decided to leave Ukraine and moved to Portugal at the end of 2022. Life is precious and short—it’s time to pursue dreams. Living by the ocean was a childhood dream, as was painting with colors. I bought watercolors and paper, picking up brushes again after many years. Abstract art, exploring shapes, and experimenting with colors have become my meditation and therapy. My works reflect my evolving worldview.
Reflecting on my journey, I realize that every step, every challenge, and every discovery has shaped who I am today. Embracing my inner strength and creativity has allowed me to live authentically and share my unique vision with the world.