Suzannah is a mother, artist and farmer, and lives on Gringai land on the banks of the Dooribang (known now as the Williams River) in New South Wales with her partner, two boys, a dog named Ringo and a flock...
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Suzannah is a mother, artist and
farmer, and lives on Gringai land on the banks of the Dooribang (known now as
the Williams River) in New South Wales with her partner, two boys, a dog named
Ringo and a flock of sheep. She is also rehabilitating a pocket of endangered rainforest and riparian corridors for the koalas that live on and around her land. Originally from Wingham NSW, Suzannah’s work
however continues to reflect the landscape of outback South Australia where she
lived working in regional arts development across the disciplines of theatre, performance, music,
film and visual arts.
Landscapes are not just a place but a space imbued
with emotional connection and meaning. The main space of influence being
the landscape of the Outback of the Upper Eyre Peninsula region, South
Australia, where she lived for eight years. While Suzannah has worked extensively in the field,
she tends to work intuitively from remembered landscapes of personal significance.
Suzannah has a special fondness for the road between
Whyalla and Port Augusta that travels through a desert area called Lincoln Gap on Bungala land; 'I start at point A and finish at point B and hope
that in between I will see, be revealed, transform. It doesn't but it’s this
hope in the space between that propels me, even if I know I will only find my
unhappy or happy pile of crap still waiting for me at the end. It’s the space
of the possible….the music blaring, the warm wind through the window, the rolly
between my lips….its 45 minutes of possibility and hope'. Moving
in the grand expanse of this space is an act of psychological reflection
and it manifests in her art through the plains, the mesas, the Myall trees, and
the edge of the Flinders.
Suzannah recently won the Dungog Art Prize 2022, and the Pastel Award of the Scone Art Prize 2022. She won the Grindell’s
Hut Residency and her subsequent exhibition was a sell out show. She has had
four solo exhibitions and has been a finalist in the Pro Hart Outback Art
Prize, the Basil Sellers Art Prize, the Waverly Art Prize, the Burrinja Climate
Change Biennale and the Whyalla Art Prize. She has an honours degree in Art
Theory from the College of Fine Arts (UNSW), a Grad. Dip.Ed in Visual Arts, and
a Grad. Certificate in Arts Management from University of Technology, Sydney.