Based in Singapore, Qaisara finds inspiration in the vibrant tapestry of life. Her artistic journey began at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore where she graduated in 2017. After working as an educator and graphic designer, Qaisara embarked...
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Based in Singapore, Qaisara finds inspiration in the vibrant tapestry of life. Her artistic journey began at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore where she graduated in 2017. After working as an educator and graphic designer, Qaisara embarked on a transformative journey to explore the world, seeking new experiences and inspiration. Her travels have enriched her artistic vision, infusing her work with a global perspective.
When she's not exploring new horizons, Qaisara can often be found in the company of her beloved cats, soaking in music and creating art. Art is a sanctuary where she lets her imagination run wild and experiment with different techniques and mediums.