IKKA&TASHA are an artistic, eclectic and creative duo. They were born in 1985, Federica Ikka Mirabelli is a computer geek, photographer and videomaker and Nat Tasha Lapiana is a multipontential artist and make up artist. Working together in Milan since 2011...
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IKKA&TASHA are an artistic, eclectic and creative duo.
They were born in 1985, Federica Ikka Mirabelli is a computer geek, photographer and videomaker and Nat Tasha Lapiana is a multipontential artist and make up artist. Working together in Milan since 2011 with TooGeniusFreaks, making music videos, fashion film and backstage.
The combination of knowledge and skills stimulates them to a continuous experimentation, of manual, pictorial, photographic and digital type, making multiple shots, some of which are published in different magazines.
Recently they have approached the world of contemporary art and photography, focusing their research on independent art work of still life and portraits that touch themes such as life and death, identity and unusual beauty. The partnership has participated in group exhibitions and competitions, arriving among the finalists of Paratissima Art-addiction.
IKKA&TASHA sono una coppia artistica, poliedrica e creativa.
Nate nel 1985, Federica Ikka Mirabelli geek informatico, fotografa e videomaker e Nat Tasha Lapiana artista eclettica e make up artist, iniziano la loro collaborazione nel 2011 a Milano con TooGeniusFreaks, producendo video musicali, fashion e reportage. La fusione delle conoscenze e delle abilità le stimola ad una continua sperimentazione, da una parte manuale e pittorica, dall’altra fotografica e digitale, realizzando molteplici scatti, alcuni dei quali pubblicati in diversi Magazine.
Negli ultimi anni avanzano i primi passi nel mondo dell’arte e della fotografia contemporanea, concentrando la loro ricerca indipendente in immagini evocative di still life e ritratti che toccano temi contrastanti come la vita e la morte, temi legati all’identità e alla bellezza insolita, partecipando a fiere, mostre collettive e concorsi, arrivando anche tra i finalisti di Paratissima Art-Addiction.