Rosângela Dorazio
Lives and works in São Paulo.
She was born in Araguari, in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais and graduated in Art from the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado - FAAP, São Paulo, in 1996.
She has worked as coordinator of educational projects at MAM in São Paulo, Itaú Cultural and Fundação Gol De Letra.
The artist expresses herself through many different forms of artistic language such as engraving, photography, painting and video. Within her work there is a recurring attempt to include time in her production, through which she does images which, at a later date, are undone. She photographs in order to interfere with them by slicing through the images, or painting over to erase and stain with smeared liquids on water-based paintings. With these procedures, the eminence of risk is highlighted, presented in work that mimics the risks of life, with no possibility of regret.
She has held solo exhibitions and special projects such as: Through [Através] at the Gaby Indio da Costa, Arte Contemporânea (in Rio de Janeiro-2019: ), Inconfession [Inconfissão] at the Mineiro Museum, (in Belo Horizonte, 2019), The Sacred in Modern and Contemporary Art [O Sagrado Na Arte Moderna E Contemporânea], at the Museum de Arte Sacra (São Paulo (2019), Points of view [Pontos de Vista], at the Gaby Índio da Costa Arte Contemporânea (2017), Landscape, Still Life and Portrait and What's left over [Paisagem, Natureza-Morta e Retrato e O Que sobra] at the Galeria Rabieh, And It Is No Longer [E já Não Está] at the Gallery at Gravura Brasileira, Absentees [Ausentes]at the Galeria Virgílio and Through the Walls in the D-concept [Pelas Paredes na D-Concept] (all in São Paulo between 2004 and 2015), Disaster and environment [Escalabro y entorno] at Galería Art Labé (Santiago de Chile 2013) and participated in several collectives including Blue Connection (Frankfurt, Germany) and The eye of the Other [El Ojo Ajeno] (Lima. Peru).
She has works in the collection at MAM - SP, MAC Dragão Do Mar - Fortaleza, MACS - Sorocaba, SESC –SP, ICPNA North American Peruvian Institute - Lima, Peru and the Itamaraty Collection of Contemporary Art. She participated in the MACS artist-in-residence at the Ipanema National Forest, 2015.
She received an award in 2012 at the II Itamaraty Contemporary Art Awards and for the Occupation of the Polyteama Theater.