Teatro is an Italian artistic group made up of two artists Claudia
Di Domenica and Elena Mastracci, both graduated from the Academy of
Fine Arts in L'Aquila (Italy). They use theater, performing, visual
arts and mixed media in their artistic production. They
have always used their art to create a meeting in the territories and
countries where they were hosted. Organizing "swaps" and
cultural exchanges with the inhabitants of those places and with
other artists.
Teatro has produced and promoted performances and realized cultural
projects in Abruzzo (Italy) thanks to the collaboration of: different
Municipalities, Abruzzo Region, Provinces, Anci, the Ministry of
Youth Policies, the European Union. It has promoted and implemented
social projects in Argentina and collaborated on international art
projects in Denmark, and France. They always collaborate with other
artists to develop project.
and artistic residencies and projects
2002 production of Senza
destination directed
by Else Marie Laukvik of Odin during a residence in Odin Teater (Dk)
thank to the support of the Moving
up from
GAI (Young Artists Italians).
July 2003 it takes part in the At
rejse med vinden ,
directed by Tina Nielsen, in a residency in Om Teater (Dk).
2005 in Patagonia with the project Il
carro di Tespi , cultural
and social cooperation between
Argentina, Spain
under the patronage of UNESCO Italia. Rogo Teatro organizes the
project with other women artists.
A social and cultural initiative that also involved the artists of
the Peripato Teatro, an international artistic group founded by Rogo
Teatro. The project focuses on cultural exchanges with the community
Mapuche, children of the school. During this residence Rogo Teatro
produces a performance showed in Buenos Aires and in Italy.
November 2006 it realizes the project Viaggio
nel Trash
meeting the artists of the Peripatoo Teatro in Buenos Aires during
the residence it realizes workshops of visual art for children and
showed a performance in the “villa miseria” Villa Fatima in
Buenos Aires The video Journey
in the Trash documents
this experience.(Peace
Award 2007 Region Abruzzo -Italy)
2007 The performance Erèndira
presented in Buenos Aires in La
Fabbrica del Teatro .
2008 it realizes the urban performance Ceci n'est pas thanks to
Guillermo Angelelli's artistic collaboration.
2009 to 2017 it shows the performance "Rapsodia " in Odin
Teatret in Denmark and in Italy
different artistic meeting.
2016 Rogo Teatro organizes and coordinates the Art & Trash
exhibition at the MUMI museum in Francavilla al mare, in occasion of
the European day for the reduction of packaging.
2016 it begins the project Le città invisibili an artistic research
to realize performances and artistic installation (site specific)
inspired by Calvino's book and natural and urban landscapes.
2016 it presents the performance Wi Wi in Sculpture Symposium
Fattoria d'Arte I Colli (Italy)
2019 it presents the performance Leonia in Art in the Dunes, an
international artistic manifestation in Italy.
workshops and projects for children and young and senior people
Teatro carries out a cultural project in which artistic research is a
moment of exchange, meeting and action, creating connections and
exchanges with others: artists, community, municipalities, schools.
2000 it realizes workshops for children and young and senior people
about visual art and recycle, showing performances.
2016 it organizes and coordinates the Art & Trash exhibition in
the MUMI museum of Francavilla al mare (Italy) for the European
packaging reduction day in collaboration with COSVEGA .
2014 it realizes the Faculty of Recycling project cultural and
social activity in collaboration with the student association 360 °,
a project aimed at students of the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti
/ Pescara (Italy), realizing an urban performance.
2016 it has activated Byrsa a creative recycling project.
2017, Rogo Teatro receives a donation from the Enel Foundation Italy
for the Art & Trash project for the management of three artistic
and recycling workshops in the elementary school in Montorio al
Vomano (Italy).
2010, Rogo Teatro has implemented some specific projects in favour of
young people thanks to regional, national and European contributions:
Art & Trash: creative workshops" (2011) call for proposals
"Projects for young people in Abruzzo ”in the province of
Teramo (Italy);
POPSTARS" (2011) promoted by the Rogo, by other Associative
realities and by some municipalities in the province of Chieti
(Italy) thanks to the Anci contribution;
Arte & Trash" (2010) in Tocco da Casuaria (Italy), in
collaboration with the Movement Association, Maglab and thanks to
the contribution of the European program Young in action.
- residences (Italy -2019) in collaboration with the social
promotion association and included in the Refresh project supported
by the Europe Culture program of the European Community.