ANA CALZAVARA was born in Campinas, Brazil. She is graduated in Fine Arts at University of Campinas and post-graduated in Painting, London. She is a PhD in Fine Arts at The University of São Paulo, developing a work that explores...
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ANA CALZAVARA was born in Campinas, Brazil. She is graduated in Fine Arts at University of Campinas and post-graduated in Painting, London. She is a PhD in Fine Arts at The University of São Paulo, developing a work that explores the interrelations between printing, painting and photography. She has been exhibiting in Brazil and abroad.EDUCATION2016 - 2018 Postdoctoral Studies in Art, University of São Paulo, Brazil.2008 - 2012 PhD in Art, University of São Paulo, Brazil.2002 - 2006 M.F.A, University of São Paulo, Brazil.1996 - 1998 Post-Graduation, Byam Shaw School of Art, London, UK.1989 - 1992 B.A., University of Campinas, SP, Brazil.SELECTED GRANTS + AWARDS2016 CAPES – grant to develop the work The persistent image and the contemporaneity at The University of São Paulo, Brazil.2011 Special Prize - Printing – 5ª Latin American Biennial “Olho Latino”. Atibaia, SP, Brazil.2008 CAPES – grant to develop the Phd Project in Visual Poetics: Inter-relations: Photography and Painting at The University of São Paulo, Brazil.2005 Selected artist for the program of Rumos Itaú Cultural. São Paulo, Brazil.1999 Acquisition Award - Painting - 27° Contemporary Art Museum of Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil.1998-6 CAPES – Post Graduation in Painting – Byam Shaw School of Art, London.1996 Special Reference – Printing - 53° Contemporary Art Museum of Paraná, Brazil.WORKS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONSMuseum of Image and Sound (MIS), São Paulo, SP, BrazilMuseum of Contemporary Art of Paraná (MAC), Curitiba, PR, Brazil.Museum of Contemporary Art of Santo André, SP, Brazil.Museum of Contemporary Art of Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), RS, Brazil.Museum of Douro, Portugal.SELECTED ONE AND TWO-PERSON EXHIBITIONS: 2018 Teima – House of Latin America. Brasília/DF, Brazil.2017 One step further and it disappears. Virgílio Gallery. SP, Brazil.2014 Small mistakes with no importance. Gravura Brasileira. SP, Brazil.2012 The Wind blows wherever it wants to – photographs and printings. Gravura Brasileira Gallery. SP, Brazil.2009 Distances – Gravura Brasileira Gallery. SP, Brazil. Across – Paintings. AAMAM. SP, Brazil.2006 Urban Visions – Photographs. Galeria da Livraria Cultura, Brasília, DF. Gaps – paintings – Centro Cultural Casa de Dona Yayá, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Gaps – photographs. Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.2001 Photographs – Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2018 Ser. Habitar. Imaginar. Concrete Gallery, Miami, USA. Baixa. Virgílio Gallery. SP, Brazil.Collective annual exhibition from the artists of the Gallery. Virgílio Gallery. SP, Brazil.Zureta. International Contemporary Printed Art Exhibition and Symposium. Bratislava Zurique (Suiça). Worclaw (Polônia). (Melbourne (Austrália).2017 Zureta. Tokio University. Japan. The repetition of the impermanent. Londrina University. PR, Brazil.Portfolio #4. MAIS Gallery. SP, Brazil. Being is the mirror of being. Casa de Tijogo, SP, Brazil.2016 Br 2016. Virgílio Art Gallery, SP, Brazil.8th Print Biennial. Douro, Portugal.IV Arte Londrina. Brazil.2015 2nd Global Print. Douro, Portugal.40o SARP Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Ribeirão Preto; R.Preto, SP, Brazil..8 Tijuana Press Art Fair. Casa do Povo. São Paulo. Brazil.37 48” S: Artists navigate Melbourne. Gravura Brasileira. SP. Brazil. 2014 65 Salão de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Buy the Book. Central Booking Art Gallery. NY, USA. VIII Premio Arte Laguna . Venice, Italy.45 Art Chapel Show. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Parte. Contemporary Art Fair. São Paulo, Paço das Artes. SP, Brazil.Ateliê de Portas Abertas. AJA, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.2013 8th Biennial of Graphic Work of Trois-Rivière, Canada SP Estampa. Galeria Gravura Brasileira, SP, Brazil.Atelier A Pipa. SP, Brazil.2012 International Triennial of Graphic Work of Bitola. Macedônia.Coletiva/Coletivos – Mostra de Gravuras. Espaço Cultural Casa das Onze Janelas, Ateliê do Porto e Galeria Theodoro Braga. Belém,PA..Caixa Umburana e Circulação Gráfica. Galeria Parangolé. Espaço Cultural Renato Russo. Brasília.DF. Brasil.Passato Immediato – influências.ascendência. presença italiana na arte brasileira. Galeria Marta Traba. Memorial da América Latina. São Paulo/SP, Brazil. Pares Ímpares. Galeria Eto Coelho. Bauru/SP. Diálogos. Galeria Gravura Brasileira. São Paulo/SP, Brazil.Parte. International Art Fair of São Paulo, Paço das Artes. SP, Brazil.43 Art Chapel Show. São Paulo,SP, Brazil.2011 I International Biennial of Printing of Santos, SP, Brazil. 5ª Latin American Biennial “Olho Latino”. Atibaia, SP, Brazil.- Print SP Art Fair. Brazilian Print Art Gallery. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.SP Art Fair – Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Graphic Circulation Project. Brazilian Print Art Gallery. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.