During my studies on the Trier University of Applied Sciences with a Master’s degree in Design and Architecture, I took also courses on etching, life drawing and photography, but my passion was still painting. Painting and writing accompany my life. The...
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During my studies on the Trier University of Applied Sciences with a Master’s degree in Design and Architecture, I took also courses on etching, life drawing and photography, but my passion was still painting. Painting and writing accompany my life. The work as architect, teacher and book author in Italy and Germany included shapes and colors, which certainly has an imported influence on my paintings.
The phrase from Mies van der Rohe “less is more”, the reduction to the essentials, was my favorite motto. 2007 I went to Germany and taught art at a high school. 2018 I return in Italy and I live and work near Rome (Lake of Bracciano).
Awards and exhibitions: www.birgittbecker.de
Instagram: birgittbeckerartist