* 27.04.1966 in Darmstadt - Germany
Member of BBK Berlin,
BVBK Brandenburg, AININ and sculpture network
2002 - 2005 University
of fine arts Berlin-Germany (UdK), master-degree of art in context,
specialisation in exhibition organisation and community arts - art in public
1989 -1994 University
of the arts Berlin (UdK), degree in fashion and textile design
1988 -1989 University of Wuppertal (U-GH) -
Germany, basic year of industrial design
1986 - 1988 Academy of the arts (AKI) Enschede -
2008 - 2011 3 years of teaching at
Kurt-Schwitters-Highschool in Berlin - Germany
Since 2005 workshops of land art and textile art
for adults and children at schools
Since 1994 working as a designer and artist
exhibitions (selection)
2023 "intervention
invading network", Ecomusée Textile, Parc de Wesserling - France
2020 „#bisaufweiteres1“, Kunstverein Neukölln,
Barreirinha, Funchal / Madeira - Portugal
2017 "al I sobre I todo",
Sala de Arte Agüimes, Gran Canaria - Spain
2016 "intervention invading network",
Kunsthal vARTe, Varde - Denmark
2014 "textile topographics", Abu
Dhabi ARTHUB - United Arab Emirates
2013 „Rauminszenierungen“, Kunstverein Bobingen
- Germany
2012 Galerie „Konvex 99“ in der Kauffahrtei
Chemnitz - Germany
2011 “...denn nichts ist wie es scheint!“,
Niederlausitzmuseum “, Luckau - Germany
2010 “intervención”, Museo Islita Guanacaste -
Costa Rica
“new textile connections”,
Bildungszentrum Raiffeisenhof Graz - Austria
“Topographiques Textiles”, Galerie
La Girafe in Brussels - Belgium
“Benetzungen”, Miope Galerie
Berlin - Germany
2009 “Conectate”, Museum of contemporary
art(MACUF), La Coruña - Spain
2008 „TextileTopoGraphics“, Miope Galerie
Berlin - Germany
2007 “conTextil 2”, Galerie La Girafe in
Brussels - Belgium
2006 “Zweifelhafte Objekte”,Galerie K Berlin -
2005 “conTextil” 1, Galerie “La Girafe” Berlin
- Germany
“errare humanum est”, Galerie Zeitzone
Berlin - Germany
exhibitions (selection)
2023 “Yeongsan River Art Festival”, Naju - Republic of Korea
“LACUNA FESTIVALS”, Sala de Exposiciones El Quirófano, Arrecife/Lanzarote
- Spain
“Fotocollage“, Projektraum Galerie M, Berlin