Katya Afonina is Belorussian artist, was born in 1996 in Minsk (Belarus). She got her first education outside of art institutions (MSLU, specialist degree in English and Documentation; RANEPA, bachelor's degree in Effective public administration). Katya’s Painting degree she is getting at Russian Art Academy. Katya...
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Katya Afonina is Belorussian artist, was born in 1996 in Minsk (Belarus). She got her first education outside of art institutions (MSLU, specialist degree in English and Documentation; RANEPA, bachelor's degree in Effective public administration). Katya’s Painting degree she is getting at Russian Art Academy. Katya is an emerging artist, does not have any exclusive terms relationships. Actively participates in exhibitions, residencies and fairs worldwide and has an experience with business collaborations.
Katya compelled to perform as an international artist because there are no institutions in her home country that work with contemporary art.
She uses mixed-media techniques such as painting, graphics, sculpture, objects and installations in creating her artworks.
In her practice, Katya examines how various psychological mechanisms of a person, associated with a capitalism and post-socialist society up-bringing, appear in their later life.