
The art world is constantly evolving, fueled by an influx of emerging talent challenging conventions and offering fresh perspectives. Embark on a journey to discover the next generation of creative minds poised to make their mark on the contemporary art scene. These fresh faces hail...

Leyla Brashka draws from her Mexican heritage and pre-Hispanic references in her visual language. Her practice spans sculpture, ceramics, etching, photography, and various other media. In this interview, she shares insights into her practice, her commitment to community-engaged environmental projects and the transformative power of...

Danilo Susi's work aims to enhance the beauty of nature through photos, where colours and light rise to brush and palette. 'Tratti n.11' is part of the Acquastratta series, in which water and its reflections become subjects of evocative and poetic pictures. His photography reminds...

Based between the vibrant cities of Los Angeles, Austin and New York, Kat Alyst, emerges as an artist who employs photography to intricately weave personal narratives that explore identity and evoke profound vulnerability. In this exclusive interview, we embark on a journey into her art...